Saturday, December 16, 2006

Well, I thought it was about time to put up some pictures of our girls. The undisputed best looking granddogs in the family!! Oh yeah, Kim and Kari, I said it. They're the cutest dogs in the family!!!!!!!


Kim and Mike said...

Well, they are cute, but Kia is just the cutest and the sweetest! :)

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh children - - - - cyber quarrels are just as bad as the kind in the back seat on a long trip - - - -

Kim and Mike said...

Well, Kevin did annoy us when we were all crammed in the back seat as kids...

Terhune Family said...

Yeah, he used to push his head against our shoulders... and Mom let him!
Kevin, your girls look just like their daddy.

Kevin said...

settle down girls! Don't be jealous!!

Terhune Family said...

Jealous?? Of WHAT? I can't wait for you to have a baby JUST LIKE YOU! Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee....

Keetha Broyles said...

LOL girls - - - it always happens, can you IMAGINE being sisters to Kelly Broyles?

Kevin - - - somehow I'm not entirely SHOCKED to find you were quite a pest to your sisters when little. Also, beware, we ALWAYS have a child who is just like us.

BTW Kevin - - - I think its HIGH TIME you made a new post.