I think Rachel was a little bummed to know her cousin was a boy, but then she realized that we may know soon if our's is a boy or girl. I think she may be devastated if it's another boy. The cousins would have a good time, though.
Keetha, The 3-D ultrasounds are a little easier to see, but I can only make out the head for sure. If you look at the other one, you can see the head and the ribs pretty easily. Everything else is much easier to see when you're watching it live.
One of the professors at IWU told me that the 3D ultrasounds usually look like the baby has a hole in his face. He said the sound waves don't reflect very well in the nose. Neat-o, huh.
I know that I can comment on my own blog. I just don't really have time to write EVERY day like the rest of you. I'm too busy protecting the innocent civivlians in this country. Alright, I train others to defend. I already did mine.
OK Tell me about the deleted comment. Those always make me curious. I don't have time to write every day, but when we're conversing on your blog I sometimes just check that one to increase the comment total :)
Kevin - - - I leave for school before 6 a.m. and I go to bed EARLY - - - and I STILL get on here at LEAST twice a day - - - it doesn't take very long when you're a fast keyboarder and having FUN.
Kari - - - how difficult would it be to EXPLAIN to your mom HOW to make a comment? Surely it isn't rocket science?
I've explained, but I think it may take some hands-on teaching or at least explaining while she's on the computer. I think she thinks it will take too much time.
That Kim deleted the comment herself because she posted it twice. I like stories that some horrible person left a nasty comment that had to be removed. Of course, it did say it was removed by the author. Either way, it helped our comment count!!
Hello? Anyone out there? Kevin, Aunt Jean viewed your blog, but didn't think she should comment.:) Also, I have a nice "butt" shot of our trying-to-be-modest-but-it's-difficut-to-do-when-you're-naked little girl to show that she is indeed not a boy. I couldn't post it for fear of embarrassment later in life :)
We have an Uncle Kenneth Newell - Grandpa's brother...wonder what his middle name is/was? We also have an Uncle George, but he ended up in prison and I think his last name was Borders. I like the Daniel Andrew suggestion :)
Our Daniel was named after Daniel Newell, but his middle name may have been Boice. Maybe I should be taking pictures of the grave markers we visit every year...
Another naming comment... I don't think Brad knew that his great-grandfather's name was Daniel until after our Daniel was born and his grandfather mentioned it. Little did we know that his grandfather did NOT like his father at all. I think he used stronger words than that in his description, however. We felt kinda bad that now he hears the name every time he hears about his great-grandson.
At some point you have to get over it. I don't like my soon-to-be-ex brother-in-law, but I won't hold that against my nephew Jeffy. Boice is an interesting name. Grandpa B took me through the 'family' graveyard last year. The common name was Thomas. He also had an Uncle Ray. There were some pretty weird names. OK, maybe not weird, just really, really old. Berthane was his grandma's name. Grandma B had sisters named Midge (short for Mildred), Bertie, Opal, & Margaret. Until I was in high school, I swore Bertie's name was actually "Birdy." Oh--apparently one of my great grandfathers (don't know how many greats) on my dad's side was named Sidney. I didn't know that until Syd was born & named. By the way, I'm too tired to take the time to make paragraphs.
You'd THINK if he was tired of us that he'd MAKE new posts so we didn't have to CLUMP all up in one place like this. Sheeeshhhh - - - - seems reasonable to me!!!
Maybe we should give him a break. He is the youngest, you know, doing his best to keep up with his older siblings. Plus he's active duty military--the security of the free world rests squarely on his shoulders. Well, the wet part of the free world, anyway. Barry has responsibility for the the dry part covered.
The air part is partially covered by Kevin... the Navy does have planes after all. And Barry does work with things that fly through the air. We don't have to remind Kevin that he is defending our country for us... he reminds us of that all the time. That's his main excuse for not blogging more!
I'm back... I've been away from blogland for a few days. Now I'm lying on the couch with my feet up, while I'm listening to the Cubs' game. I'm beginning to swell, and the doctor wants to see me tomorrow! How fun. Keeping my feet up helps! Kevin, just a reminder that my birthday is THURSDAY!
I'm trying to picture how you were blogging while lying on the couch with your feet up. I ASSUME it involves a lap top, but I'm still not quite picturing it!!!
Sorry about the swelling - - - hope all continues to go well with no complications - - - -
How will you be able to go to the Cubs game in June? Will you be able to keep your feet up then? (I assume that your feet will still be swollen because it will be hot!) :) My chiropractor just went to a Cubs game in Chicago this past weekend....I'm so jealous...
YIKES - - - I'm not thinking a Cubs game is a good place for a swollen PG gal!!! But what do I know, I'm only MARRIED to the medical provider - - - - - -
The tickets were purchased BEFORE the swelling occurred. My doctor advised wearing socks and shoes, and that helps. Unfortunately, I pulled something in my back when I was putting my socks on! It's slowly getting better. Kim and I must have inherited the "bad back" gene from Dad. Kevin may have gotten it, too, but he has mostly neck issues from the Navy, I think. Kevin, you can join in here any time and fill me in. Thanks for the card!!
C'mon Kevin....we're gettin' bored. More pictures, please! Btw, I made your famous chocolate/caramel chip cookies the other night and were they delicious....almost as good as yours! :) Kari and Keetha, since Kevin doesn't give us new material to read, we should demand that he make us cookies and mail them to us! :) Yum!
You know how to get him to talk...criticize how much work he does or does not do! Then he'll tell us how hard he's working to defend our country....at least then maybe we'll know he's alive!
I don't think he is defending our country at all, in fact I'm not even sure he actually exists - - - couldn't prove it by his presence on his own blog.
Kevin - - if you're waiting for us to meet our last record of 76 posts, I believe THIS post will do it - - - - and - - -
90 Come on... we're such good fans! I'm going to post a Mother's Day profile shot of me. I'm sure Tara is looking much cuter and SMALLER these days. :) Of course, I may never know...
He looks just like his father. Look at that little smashed face... Where's the picture of the boy part? How do we really KNOW it's a boy??
I think Rachel was a little bummed to know her cousin was a boy, but then she realized that we may know soon if our's is a boy or girl. I think she may be devastated if it's another boy. The cousins would have a good time, though.
Come on, Kim, Keetha, and Amy... we can do better than 76 comments this time!!
I don't know...I'm too tired!
Moving the blog party over here - - - - hey, this is a SECOND type of blog party!!!!
Kevin - - - the Tara pictures are all adorable. I never "get" the ultrasound type.
Keetha, The 3-D ultrasounds are a little easier to see, but I can only make out the head for sure. If you look at the other one, you can see the head and the ribs pretty easily. Everything else is much easier to see when you're watching it live.
It sure is cool technology. (Right up there with blogs!)
One of the professors at IWU told me that the 3D ultrasounds usually look like the baby has a hole in his face. He said the sound waves don't reflect very well in the nose. Neat-o, huh.
Kevin, you are allowed to comment on your own blog. FYI Mom looked at the blog but hasn't figured out how to comment yet.
I know that I can comment on my own blog. I just don't really have time to write EVERY day like the rest of you. I'm too busy protecting the innocent civivlians in this country. Alright, I train others to defend. I already did mine.
Kevin, we are thankful for what you do/have done, but some of the rest of us WORK, too, and we still have time to blog! :)
OK Tell me about the deleted comment. Those always make me curious. I don't have time to write every day, but when we're conversing on your blog I sometimes just check that one to increase the comment total :)
Wow - - - I got BEHIND on this blog party!!!
Kevin - - - I leave for school before 6 a.m. and I go to bed EARLY - - - and I STILL get on here at LEAST twice a day - - - it doesn't take very long when you're a fast keyboarder and having FUN.
Kari - - - how difficult would it be to EXPLAIN to your mom HOW to make a comment? Surely it isn't rocket science?
I've explained, but I think it may take some hands-on teaching or at least explaining while she's on the computer. I think she thinks it will take too much time.
I deleted the comment because it posted my comment twice.
That's not a fun story.
What's not a fun story? You lost me
That Kim deleted the comment herself because she posted it twice. I like stories that some horrible person left a nasty comment that had to be removed. Of course, it did say it was removed by the author. Either way, it helped our comment count!!
Hello? Anyone out there? Kevin, Aunt Jean viewed your blog, but didn't think she should comment.:) Also, I have a nice "butt" shot of our trying-to-be-modest-but-it's-difficut-to-do-when-you're-naked little girl to show that she is indeed not a boy. I couldn't post it for fear of embarrassment later in life :)
AH - - - - I get the "funny story" comment now.
It's really only 3 a.m. now - - - - at least by the time my body is used to - - - -ARRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!
Love that time change!
OK--let's think of fun initial names for Kevin & Tara to consider. I'm on a role this morning. :)
Bobby Unser Newell (BUN)
Samuel Orson Newell (SON)
George Ivan Newell (GIN--either the beverage or the game)
Frank Uriah Newell (FUN)
Daniel Andrew Newell (DAN)
Curt Oscar Newell (CON)
Randall Andrew Newell (RAN)
Kenneth Errol Newell (KEN)
We have an Uncle Kenneth Newell - Grandpa's brother...wonder what his middle name is/was? We also have an Uncle George, but he ended up in prison and I think his last name was Borders. I like the Daniel Andrew suggestion :)
Our Daniel was named after Daniel Newell, but his middle name may have been Boice. Maybe I should be taking pictures of the grave markers we visit every year...
Another naming comment... I don't think Brad knew that his great-grandfather's name was Daniel until after our Daniel was born and his grandfather mentioned it. Little did we know that his grandfather did NOT like his father at all. I think he used stronger words than that in his description, however. We felt kinda bad that now he hears the name every time he hears about his great-grandson.
At some point you have to get over it. I don't like my soon-to-be-ex brother-in-law, but I won't hold that against my nephew Jeffy. Boice is an interesting name. Grandpa B took me through the 'family' graveyard last year. The common name was Thomas. He also had an Uncle Ray. There were some pretty weird names. OK, maybe not weird, just really, really old. Berthane was his grandma's name. Grandma B had sisters named Midge (short for Mildred), Bertie, Opal, & Margaret. Until I was in high school, I swore Bertie's name was actually "Birdy." Oh--apparently one of my great grandfathers (don't know how many greats) on my dad's side was named Sidney. I didn't know that until Syd was born & named. By the way, I'm too tired to take the time to make paragraphs.
Here's my suggestion:
Farrell Albert Newell (FAN)
I've got one....how about David Kevin Newell? :)
By the way...this is Kim. I forgot to switch over again...oh well.
There....I'm back to being Kim! :) And...I got to leave another comment! Kari, I think your comment list is almost as long as this one!
Hey, hey, hey...
Sorry, couldn't resist. "Albert" brought back some great childhood memories.
So are Kari & Kevin having a comment competition now? Maybe we should start splitting our comments--you know, have a sentence here, the other there.
Kari might be having a competition - - - she gets on here regularly and reads/contributes. But do we even know if Kevin reads?????
Kevin says that he signs on and reads once in awhile to see how the conversation is going. That would be to fun to leave and sentence here and...
...idiot. I properly diagnosed our computer's problem (bad logic board). Apple's supplying the part free of charge--yet another reason I love Apple!
Are we just trying to . . . .
Sayler Irving Newell.
It means sailor of fresh water. (Sorry I couldn't find salt water.)
And the initials spell SIN.
Come on Kevin, you've got to like it!
I LOVE it!!!!! :)
...much more fun???? :) :) :)
Very creative, Robin! Maybe we should all...
Very creative, Robin! Maybe we should all...
Yes, Kim, it is much more fun but
. . . old!!!
...and I only got half the conversation! I love SIN, though :)
. . . what do Kevin and Tara think of baby Sayler? I actually like the name with this spelling.
I'll even sport you a new combination:
Sayler Oceanus Newell (SON) -- which of course means World Ocean Sailor
All those VVVV's look like WWW's. We may have to ask him personally...
I think he sees ALL of this - - - and just lets us ramble on - - - THAT is more fun for him than ANSWERING us!!!
He told mom today that he is TIRED of us using his blog for our conversations. All the more reason for us to do it! :)
Poor, poor Kevin. You'd think he be appreciative, getting extra attention and all.
You'd THINK if he was tired of us that he'd MAKE new posts so we didn't have to CLUMP all up in one place like this. Sheeeshhhh - - - - seems reasonable to me!!!
Pehaps Kevin has not yet realized that a blogger spells LOVE like this: C O M M E N T.
Poor Kevin...
Maybe we should give him a break. He is the youngest, you know, doing his best to keep up with his older siblings. Plus he's active duty military--the security of the free world rests squarely on his shoulders. Well, the wet part of the free world, anyway. Barry has responsibility for the the dry part covered.
Do we know anyone taking care of the air part?
The air part is partially covered by Kevin... the Navy does have planes after all. And Barry does work with things that fly through the air.
We don't have to remind Kevin that he is defending our country for us... he reminds us of that all the time. That's his main excuse for not blogging more!
But Kevin - - - you need to ALSO be protecting our cyber world! So - - -
BLOG!! :-)
Hey....where is everybody? We haven't beat our record 76 comments!
I'm back! Kevin, now that Tara is almost 26 weeks, we need new pictures. I'll post mine when I get my laptop back.
I was just waiting for other people to jump in and talk - - - I CAN be quiet when I WANT to. ;-)
Keetha, I didn't think that was possible!
Neither did I! :)
Live and learn!!!! :-)
We need some new life in this converation... OR a new post!! Kevin??
I second that motion - - -
Still looking for new life - - - -
I'm back... I've been away from blogland for a few days. Now I'm lying on the couch with my feet up, while I'm listening to the Cubs' game. I'm beginning to swell, and the doctor wants to see me tomorrow! How fun. Keeping my feet up helps!
Kevin, just a reminder that my birthday is THURSDAY!
I'm trying to picture how you were blogging while lying on the couch with your feet up. I ASSUME it involves a lap top, but I'm still not quite picturing it!!!
Sorry about the swelling - - - hope all continues to go well with no complications - - - -
How will you be able to go to the Cubs game in June? Will you be able to keep your feet up then? (I assume that your feet will still be swollen because it will be hot!) :) My chiropractor just went to a Cubs game in Chicago this past weekend....I'm so jealous...
YIKES - - - I'm not thinking a Cubs game is a good place for a swollen PG gal!!! But what do I know, I'm only MARRIED to the medical provider - - - - - -
The tickets were purchased BEFORE the swelling occurred. My doctor advised wearing socks and shoes, and that helps. Unfortunately, I pulled something in my back when I was putting my socks on! It's slowly getting better. Kim and I must have inherited the "bad back" gene from Dad. Kevin may have gotten it, too, but he has mostly neck issues from the Navy, I think. Kevin, you can join in here any time and fill me in. Thanks for the card!!
C'mon Kevin....we're gettin' bored. More pictures, please! Btw, I made your famous chocolate/caramel chip cookies the other night and were they delicious....almost as good as yours! :) Kari and Keetha, since Kevin doesn't give us new material to read, we should demand that he make us cookies and mail them to us! :) Yum!
WE WANT COOKIES!! Who taught you to make then anyway?
I'm sure Tara is looking quite cute these days... SHOW HER OFF!
What they both said - - - - -
We're almost to our record 76 comments... time for a new post!
I second that motion
You know how to get him to talk...criticize how much work he does or does not do! Then he'll tell us how hard he's working to defend our country....at least then maybe we'll know he's alive!
I don't think he is defending our country at all, in fact I'm not even sure he actually exists - - - couldn't prove it by his presence on his own blog.
Kevin - - if you're waiting for us to meet our last record of 76 posts, I believe THIS post will do it - - - - and - - -
If you're waiting for us to BREAK our other record of 76 posts, I believe this one will do just that!!!
Whoooo Hooooo girls - - - we are making a NEW record!
I like making new records!
So Kevin, Mom heard something about an Indiana tax credit or something like that - she wasn't sure - for military. Are you still an Indiana resident?
I believe this is now #80 - - - - WHOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! That's gotta be SOME kind of a record - - - maybe even more than just on here - - -
84 WE WANT PICTURES! Since we attended Rachel's t-ball game tonight, I am inspired to write... "We want a picture, not a belly-itcher!"
85 - - - Oooooo Kevin, are you gonna take that without a reply????
86 and still going strong. These comments are kind of like the energizer bunny...they keep going and going and.....
going and going - - -
Kevin, what number are you waiting for?????
Can't you just give your fans what they want?
90 Come on... we're such good fans! I'm going to post a Mother's Day profile shot of me. I'm sure Tara is looking much cuter and SMALLER these days. :) Of course, I may never know...
92 I'm really feeling upset at the lack of interaction from the host of this blog... he is my flesh and blood after all!
Remember - - - none of us would be SAFE if he wasn't so busy defending our country!!!
Oh yah - - - 93, 94
...95...You know you're loving the attention... :)
Do you think...
...we can reach...
...comment #...
...100??? C'mon Kevin, we're bored!!!
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